About Stop Anger Class

Stop Anger Class’s Online Anger Management Classes are commonly used by students throughout the U.S. We offer a completely online class that you can take from your phone or computer. You can take the class at home or in any place with access to the internet. With your phone, that can be literally anyplace.

Blue Mountain Education has been offering our online classes since 2010. Our experts have stayed on top of the latest anger management trends to keep the anger mangement topics in our classes both fresh and interesting. We also use the latest online web technologies to make sure our classes are both fast and easy to use.

Our classes have been designed by experts in the fields of anger management and in online education. The materials are geared for an online study experience.

Anger Management for Court

Courts throughout the country have been using anger management classes as an alternative to jail time and other punishments. Typically anger management classes are used when a person has been arrested for domestic violence, assault, road rage or other types of angry behavior. This type of diversion program saves the state money from having to incarcerate a person and allows them to continue to work or go to school. The length of the class is up to the judge and can be anywhere from 4 to 52 total hours (or sessions) of anger management.

When you take a class from Stop Anger Class, you can take all your hours online from your computer or smart phone. We track your progress as you take the class and when you're finished, we will send you a completion certificate. This anger management certificate can be shown to the judge or court to show that you’ve fulfilled your requirement.

Workplace Anger Management Referrals

We receive many referrals from companies who want their employees to take a workplace anger management class as part of a preventative skills training or as a disciplinary action requirement. This class will teach many skills on how to lower stress and anger in the workplace including:

Stress Relief through Relaxation

Manage Your Anger Constructively: The Art of Self Control

Let Go of Resentment

Skills of Emotional Intelligence

Increase Self-Awareness

Incorporating Emotional Intelligence Skills into Daily Life

School and Education Anger Management Requirements

We often have school age, teen and college age students attend our anger management classes for a school disciplinary action. Our programs can be very helpful in these situations. The skills learned in our online anger management classes can be used for a lifetime. And young people are fortunate in that their young brains will more easily retain what they learn than adults. If you are a parent who is frustrated with an angry child or are a school administrator wishing for additional discipline resources our classes can be a great resource.

We also offer discounted volume anger management classes for school districts who want to make this class available for a larger number of students. Please contact us for more information.

Contact Stop Anger Class

Contact Us

Contact Form:

The easiest and fastest way to contact us is via our online contact form.

Via email:

[email protected]

By telephone:

(775) 434-8753

By mail:

Mike Miller, Director
Stop Anger Class
711 S. Carson St.
Suite 4
Carson City, NV 89701

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